The marketing gurus tell you to go out and snap some pictures of your neighborhood and slap `em up on your website for an instant traffic boost. How come it’s not working?
As Christina Etheridge, frequent Inman News contributor, puts it in her tell-it-like-it-is style:
“While posting events and blather about local businesses is all well and good, it doesn’t give anyone an idea of what the homes are like or what their neighbors would be like.”
In other words, your job as a hyper-local marketer is to answer this one burning question for buyers: “What’s it like to live there?”
You can tell them. But to really fire up buyers’ interest in your neighborhood, show them with professional stock photos by Mediamax.
Sure, snapshots have their place. But just as with home-tour photos, poor-quality images could do you more harm than good. You don’t want to come off looking like the local yokel. You want to be known as the local expert, the person to go to for the inside scoop. Professional photos make you look more professional.
By all means blog about your neighborhood, tweet about it, post about it on Facebook. But for the best results, let beautiful professional photos do your talking – that is, your selling – for you. Use them to capture and hold attention on your website and wherever you need images online. Also use them to give your printed materials that professional polish.
Unlike other stock photography sources, Mediamax offers images that are specific to Colorado and Metro Denver. Learn more here. If you don’t see what you need in our library, contact us about a custom shoot.
Excite more buyers and get more from your hyper-local marketing efforts. Order professional stock photography by Mediamax today.