Do you have to be a script writer to do video? | Mediamax Photography | Photography, Video and Virtual Tours for Real Estate and Business

Of all the obstacles to doing video, the stickiest probably is script writing. Even when you realize video doesn’t cost as much as you think, even when you discover being on camera is more fun than you ever imagined, writing the script can still seem daunting.

But it shouldn’t.

You don’t have to be a professional script writer to make a video that sells.

As a sales professional, you’ve already written plenty of listing copy, presentation copy, you name it. You know that every sales pitch is one part facts, two parts emotional appeal. You also get it that visuals sell.

If you can answer the following questions, you can write a script for a video profile:

  • What makes you a great realtor?
  • What makes you special, unique, different than other realtors?
  • What motivates you to help your clients find or sell a home?

And if you can offer five compelling reasons why someone should buy a given house,  you can write a script for a video listing.

In other words, you already have the skills to do this.

Here are six pointers to help you hone those skills for video:

1)      Keep it brief. Think sentences, not paragraphs. Make your script an outline, not a doctoral thesis.

2)      Show, don’t tell. Use more pictures than words.

3)      Focus only on what your audience really cares about. Make it relevant to them.

4)      Seriously, brevity is key – maximum 3 minutes but 2 or less is even better.

5)      Use storytelling techniques. At a minimum, make sure there’s a beginning, middle and end.

6)      Entertain. Nobody enjoys a recitation of facts. Reveal, don’t lecture. Let your personality show.

Rest assured, Mediamax is here to help you every step of the way. Visit our video gallery here. Bring us a basic concept and we’ll help you flesh it out with exceptional visual imagery, music and graphics.  Don’t let the script writing bugaboo keep you from getting into video. Contact us today and let’s get shooting.

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